About Attestation Update and Ulvog CPA

Welcome to the blog!

I am a CPA with over 30 years experience in public accounting with a focus on providing attestation services. Providing Peer Review services in now a part of my practice.

I am intentionally a sole practitioner, which means this is a one-person firm by choice.  Technology makes this possible. The desire to have the maximum impact for my clients makes this preferable.  This experience helps me understand the small firm dynamics.

The goal of this blog is to provide the CPA community with news in the attestation area.  No tax stuff here!  Just audits, reviews, and compilations.

I am also blogging at other sites.

  • Nonprofit Update focuses on financial issues of interest to the nonprofit community.
  • Once Upon Internal Control uses creative ways to communicate internal control ideas through animated cartoons. (My attempt to use visualization to explain really cool accounting ideas that other people find dreary for some reason that I just can’t understand.)

Located in North Dakota, serving Southern California 

In 2022 I moved to Williston, North Dakota.  We are about 80 miles from the Canadian border.

Why?, I hear you ask.  Chasing grandkids.  My wife and I want to spent more time with the little ones and watch them grow.

Although I am located in North Dakota, I continue to serve my clients in the Southern California area.  In over two years from the start of the pandemic until relocating, I was in a client’s office only about 4 days.  It is just as easy to work remotely from Williston as it was from Rancho Cucamonga.

Acceptable comments

Comments are welcome. All comments will be moderated because of the way the internet is today. If you post a comment, thanks.  Please understand it may be a while before I review the comment.

Comments that contain ad hominem attacks on me or others or that use foul language won’t get posted. Likewise with racist, crude, or nasty comments. Here is a working description of the standard I will use:  If I won’t want my wife or mom to read the comment, it won’t get approved. The determining factor for what is appropriate is my judgment.

I welcome disagreement and opposing opinions. If you get irritated by my opinions and say so, that is fine. Share too deeply and I will delete your comments.

If those standards are troublesome, then feel free to start your own blog.

Even though I screen all comments and may delete some that don’t meet the minimum standards described above, I’m not responsible for what others may say.

More legal stuff

If you have any concerns about the accuracy of anything you see here, please let me know. You may leave a comment anywhere and I’ll see it. Let me know what your concern is.

Quotes from scripture identified as NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.

Information on this blog is of a general nature and not intended to be specific professional advice. Seek the opinion of a professional to advise you in your specific situation.

Any tax advice contained in this communication is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or applicable state or local tax law provisions. Please do your own research.

I am not responsible for the accuracy or appropriateness of items you may find on sites or blogs I may link to.  While there is useful stuff on the linked pages or articles, I don’t know what else may be at those sites, so be careful.

Copyright 2013 through 2024 by James L. Ulvog, CPA.

Enjoy! I hope the blog will help you provide better attestation services to your clients.

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