revenue recognition

What improvements will we see from the revenue recognition project? What is the cost? Topic 605

Ponder this:

what will a new revenue recognition standard accomplish to improve financial reporting? And at what cost?

Those are Tom Selling’s questions in his post, Revenue Recognition Sure Isn’t Perfect – But Convergence will be much Worse.

What cost?

As to the cost question, I expect it would be very high. The disruption to preparers, confusion for report users, and increased time for auditors would be big.

What improvements will we see from the revenue recognition project? What is the cost? Topic 605 Read More »

Survey of major accounting issues on the horizon

Prof. William F. O’Brien, CPA, has a great survey of the major accounting issues in our future and some suggestions on how to absorb the change that is on the way.  His article, Surf’s Up! Wave of Financial Reporting is Coming, is in the January/February edition of California CPA magazine.

Major issues he describes are:

Survey of major accounting issues on the horizon Read More »

AICPA interview with FASB chair on revenue recognition – how that illustrates the issue with IFRS too

Journal of Accountancy has started a five-part interview with FASB Chairman Leslie Seidman discussing the revenue recognition exposure draft.  First part can be found here.

AICPA interview with FASB chair on revenue recognition – how that illustrates the issue with IFRS too Read More »

Revenue Recognition exposure draft – Topic 605

FASB has an exposure draft out on revenue recognition.  This post is a ‘heads up’, not an overall summary.  This will be a fairly substantive rule, so if you haven’t heard about it, might be good to take a look.  The document has a great summary on the first five pages of the introduction. …

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