Other stuff

How do you present complex data? Look at these visualizations

(cross post from www.ulvog.wordpress.com)

Check out how to present multiple pieces of data from every country on the planet over a 40 year trend in such a way that anyone can get your point.  Professor Hans Rosling has a way of showing extremely complicated data so you can get the idea in a few minutes.

Some examples:

How do you present complex data? Look at these visualizations Read More »

PTIN registration

Don’t forget you must register with the IRS to get or renew your PTIN for 2011.  Fee is $64.25. You probably received a letter recently giving you the web address to register:  www.irs.gov/taxpros

I just registered. Took 25 minutes.  Might want to have your CAF and EFIN (electonic filing number) handy.  I noticed that my renewal will expire 11-30-11, which I suppose means I will have to renew next year before 11-30.  So if such trivia matters, you might want to wait until after 12-1 to register.

PTIN registration Read More »

Expanded 1099 reporting starts in 2012

SEE this post for Update!  

Reporting requirements for 1099s will soon expand dramatically.  From the Journal of Accountancy: “(b)eginning Jan. 1, 2012, virtually all payments by a trade or business aggregating $600 or more to any single vendor during any calendar year will have to be reported at the end of each calendar year to the vendor and to the IRS on Form 1099. Vendors include almost anyone a trade or business pays in the course of doing business, other than its employees whose compensation is already reported on Forms W-2.” – the full article is available online. …

Expanded 1099 reporting starts in 2012 Read More »

Test for ethical behavior – what will this look like on the front page of the newspaper?

Update: Superb illustration of the concept here.

You have probably heard this story before, but I will mention it again.  When you are pondering how to handle a situation, think about how it would look on the front page of the newspaper.  Do you want to see this policy, decision, or personnel action on the front page of the Wall Street Journal®?  How about the lead article in the local section of the Los Angeles Times®? The front page of your local paper?  …

Test for ethical behavior – what will this look like on the front page of the newspaper? Read More »